115 Activity Sheets for the Elderly 4th Edition

115 sheets of animation.jpg
115 sheets of animation.jpg

115 Activity Sheets for the Elderly 4th Edition


115 fiches d'animation pour les personnes âgées

115 Activity Sheets for the Elderly

4th Edition

Evelyne Allègre, Jacqueline Gassier
Elsevier Masson
288 pages
ISBN: 978-2294779312
Origin: French
August 2023

Updated and expanded, this essential book offers, through a series of 115 clear and educational illustrated sheets, ideas and techniques for caring for the elderly. The first part covers the animations that corresponds to the needs and abilities of the elderly person. In the second part, animation ideas are presented grouped by theme: "taking care of yourself", "creating, recreating yourself", and "living together". This book is an essential tool for all professionals working with the elderly as well as for teachers, students, caregivers and family members.

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