Adaptive Mobile Computing


Adaptive Mobile Computing


Adaptive Mobile Computing

Advances in Processing Mobile Data Sets

Mauro Migliardi, Alessio Merlo, Sherenaz Al-HajBaddar
Elsevier S&T
262 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0128046036
August 2017

Adaptive Mobile Computing: Advances in Processing Mobile Data Sets explores the latest advancements in producing, processing and securing mobile data sets. The book provides the elements needed to deepen understanding of this trend which, over the last decade, has seen exponential growth in the number and capabilities of mobile devices. The pervasiveness, sensing capabilities and computational power of mobile devices have turned them into a fundamental instrument in everyday life for a large part of the human population. This fact makes mobile devices an incredibly rich source of data about the dynamics of human behavior, a pervasive wireless sensors network with substantial computational power and an extremely appealing target for a new generation of threats.

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