Orthodontics Over 50: Influence of Aging


Orthodontics Over 50: Influence of Aging


Orthodontie des plus de 50 ans: Influence du vieillissement

Orthodontics Over 50: Influence of Aging

Christine Muller, Pierre Canal
Elsevier Masson
232 pages
ISBN: 9782294773204
Origin: French
September 2023

Since the beginning of the 2000s, adults over 50 and seniors have less and less reluctance to pursue orthodontic practices, an area typically reserved for the adolescent patient base. However, senior orthodontics is a very different experience than adolescent orthodontics, technically, biologically, and aesthetically. Indeed, seniors come with requirements, a history and physiological constraints that differ from those of adolescents. This work aims to describe in detail oral aging and to highlight the characteristics of orthodontic treatment for people over 50 years of age.

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