Child and Adolescent Psychopathology for School Psychology

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Child and Adolescent Psychopathology for School Psychology


Child and Adolescent Psychopathology for School Psychology

A Practical Approach

Terry Diamanduros, P. Tysinger, Jeffrey Tysinger, Pamela Fenning
Springer Publishing
450 pages
ISBN: 9780826135780
March 2022

Integrating, comparing, and distinguishing DSM-5 diagnoses from IDEA disability classifications, this book provides a comprehensive overview of mental health conditions in children and adolescents from the viewpoint of the school psychologist. It discusses the impact of these conditions at school and at home, along with a description of practical, evidence-based educational and mental health interventions that can be implemented in school environments. It addresses the role of the school psychologist and details a variety of educational supports and school-based mental health services as they apply to specific conditions.

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