Concise Guide to Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Neurology 3rd Edition


Concise Guide to Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Neurology 3rd Edition


Concise Guide to Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Neurology

3rd Edition

John Barry, Sepideh Bajestan, Jeffrey Cummings, Michael Trimble
American Psychiatric Association Publishing
370 pages
ISBN: 9781615374090
July 2022

For nearly 30 years, this has been an indispensable companion for clinicians caring for patients struggling with everything from delusions and hallucinations to aphasia and stroke. This third edition has been updated to account for the development of new techniques in brain imaging; improvement in electrophysiological methods to better detect epilepsy and sleep disorders; and a growing list of blood and spinal fluid biomarkers that have revolutionized diagnostic capability. As useful for trainees as it is for the experienced practitioner, this book offers the latest science and expert guidance to both achieve accurate diagnosis and undertake effective management of patients with complex neuropsychiatric and neurobehavioral disorders.

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