Student Mental Health

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Student Mental Health


La santé Mentale des Étudiants

Student Mental Health

Innovative Approaches in Prevention and Support

Rebecca Shankland, Clémence Gayet, Nadine Richeux
Elsevier Masson
ISBN: 9782294776915
Origin: French
March 2022

The issue of students' mental health is at the heart of current concerns in the field of higher education, due in particular to the high number of failures or dropouts, an increase in anxious and depressive symptoms, burn-out, and consumption of psychoactive substances. Alongside the book by the same authors called Developing the Mental Health of Students, this book further develops the epidemiological data, the causes and risk factors of the difficulties encountered by students, and presents the different techniques available for therapists and all those who work with students, to prevent or manage these disorders.

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