Information Systems for Business, Edition 3.0


Information Systems for Business, Edition 3.0


Information Systems for Business, Edition 3.0

An Experiential Approach

France Bélanger, Craig Van Slyke, Robert E. Crossler
Prospect Press
398 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1943153473
April 2018

Designed for the introductory MIS course, Information Systems for Business provides a learner-centered, experiential approach that helps engage students with in-class activities. With this approach, the authors find that students connect more deeply with the material and perform better on exams. In-class discussions become more animated, and class sessions are more enjoyable for both students and instructors. Further, the authors have had great success using this approach in large and small classes at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The text has been thoughtfully revised to maintain currency. Newly added topics include mobile privacy, two-factor authentication, blockchain, ransomware, polymorphic viruses, bitcoins, data lakes, data analytics, and the relationship between risk management and information security. Examples, cases, and statistics have been updated throughout.

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