Surgery in Gynecology


Surgery in Gynecology


Chirurgie en gynécologie-obstétrique

Surgery in gynecology

Practical Reference Treatise

Michel Cosson, Sophie Delplanque, Olivier Garbin, Cyrille Huchon, Cyrille Martinet, Victoire Delporte
Elsevier Masson
584 pages
ISBN: 9782294769221
Origin: French
February 2024

Devoted to a technique or a set of techniques for a pathology or an anatomical region, the volumes of “Surgical Techniques” collection describe the techniques step by step, relying on rich illustrations, concise texts and advice. With over 1,200 illustrations, and an authoritative text, this work offers the surgeon a clear step by step presentation of the different techniques of gynecological and obstetric surgery.

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